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HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:44 am
by Prof. Hailey Potter
Welcome to HOL 101!

I am excited that you have decided to take HOL 101 this year! I am this class's third teacher, and I am here so that all of you, as new HOL students, can have some of your burning questions answered! (If not all of them!)

As you'll notice, this class was designed primarily for First Year students, although students of all different years are more than welcome to take the course to learn more about our online school. This course is a kind of guidebook to HOL and the different areas and sections on the site. All of the information was compiled by members past of present of the four different houses and the Head Office, just for you!

Now that I've introduced the class, I will introduce myself. My name is Professor Hailey Potter. After ten years as a student, and a Head Student, I have finally graduated from HOL and am now teaching full time. I am a proud Gryffindor, and am Spice Squad captain, and Paw Print Editor-in-Chief. I am teaching HOL 101 this year, as well as my classes An Introduction to Divination and Advanced Divination.
In real life, I am a kindergarten teacher! So I am very busy. I am always around here, but I'll probably wait for breaks in school to give out points.

Now it's your turn! Introduce yourself below!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:24 pm
by Kate Rosaph
My name is Kate Rosaph and I am a Ravenclaw second year. I don't remember how I found out about HOL. I am taking five HOL classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Harry Potter: Family Studies, HOL 101: An Orientation, Kat's Kuisine: The Basics of Cooking, and Transfiguration. I picked these classes because they were the ones I was the most interested in. I'm very excited about HOL 101: An Orientation; it seems like a fun class and I hope to learn more about HOL! One random fact about me is that in real life, I enjoy riding my scooter. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:57 am
by Hanna Inari
Hello, I'm Hanna Inari, 1st year Hufflepuff. I'm here for a year already so I don't actually remember how I found out about HOL... maybe there was a link in one of our magic schools' web magazines or something like that.
This term I'm taking 5 classes: HOL 101: An Orientation, HOL Quidditch, Palmistry, When Muggles and Magic Collide and World Building.
I've decided to take a HOL 101 class because, when I've just joined HOL there were sooo many interesting classes and I've picked them up... and there was no place for this one though I knew nothing about HOL. And it's not just the natural way of joining a project because English isn't my mothertongue so getting to know HOL is really difficult. So a year passed and I still made no progress. I don't know what's going on or who are all these people around and how do I chat in IRC... (well that's what I've got to know just an hour ago) and I'm too lazy to read everything that I see around so I need a guide. That's why I'm taking HOL 101 and Quiddutch as well.
Palmistry is a really interesting topic for me now. The thing is, I've decided to study palm reading just two weeks ago and then I remembered about HOL and saw Palmistry here, maybe it was meant to be.
The studies about muggles and magic can never be boring, that's what I think.
And World Building should also be both interesting and useful for my English practice.

I'd like to get some new information and get to know HOL better with the help of HOL 101 and Quidditch. Palmistry should give me some basic information about palm reading and then I'll be able to go deeper. And the other two classes should be a lot of fun.

Random fact about myself... I really really wish I had a bicycle. It's my #1 dream now. But in order to buy it I should find a job which is not that easy. Unfortunately. Hopefully I'll have the money until the winter comes...

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:24 pm
by Prof. Dario Brighton
I am Professor Dario Šehović, a Gryffindor professor and Deputy Head of House. I am taking this class because I find it interesting and am hoping to earn a lot of points. I teach one class at the moment, but I have taught four different classes through the years. I am taking six classes, including the O.W.L.s class to which I still have to be added. Those classes are Graphics 101, Knitting the Muggle Way, The Very Basics of HTML, Mathematics and this very class. I am one of the administrators of the HOLLERS club, which I would recommend to everyone for hanging out and mingling. In real life I play the piano and my primary occupation at the moment is web development, since I am a programmer.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:52 pm
by Leonie Hauri
Hi, I am Leonie Hauri. I found out about HOL by googling something like "Hogwarts" or some other thing like that because I was looking for a Hogwarts website that had classes. I found one! I am currently taking French, Fanasyland, Dragons, Word Magic, and this. I would like to learn from this class the basics of HOL. I'd like to know my way around HOL since I am pretty new here. And my random fact? I have a twin sister!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:04 pm
by Lilith DiAngelo
Hi, I'm Lilith DiAngelo, first year Ravenclaw. I found HOL odd as it might sound, by googling Nymphadora Tonks in connection with BDD. It came up with an old class page and from there I reached HOL. That was in August and on coming across it, I simply stared at a loss for why I hadn't found it sooner!

As well as HOL 101, I am taking Ancient Runes, Fae Folk: People of the Fae, World Building and Graphics 101. I chose HOL 101 because quite truthfully the site boggles me. I'm hoping that this class will help me get to grips with it a bit more and grow more confident. As someone who flounders when faced with something new and confusing, this seemed like the obvious place to start.

Ancient Runes I chose because the area has been of interest to me for sometime. Runes are something I know exist, but I know very little about other than that I find them fascinating. It is a similar story with Fae Folk: People of the Fae. I adore faeries in all their forms, I've always been attracted to their mysterious nature. Given that I'm currently writing a character who is perhaps even more interested in the Fae Folk than I am, taking a class to learn more about them made sense. World Building is something of an indulgence. I adore writing, but perhaps even more than that, I adore both borrowing and creating places to explore. Graphics 101 grabbed my attention at once. I have wanted to learn to make better graphics for years now, but always come up with excuses not to bother. I'm hoping to change that this term!

A random fact about me is that I live with my grandmother.

Re: HOL 101 Spring 2015 Introductions

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:39 pm
by TeeTee Weber
Assignment 1 for HOL 101: An Introduction about myself
How did I find out about HOL? I found HOL just through browsing the internet for Hogwarts schools. I did find another site which I really like too but is quite different than this one.
What classes am I taking? I am taking a Charms class on that one. This site though has so much to offer. I am taking HOL 101 Orientation which seemed like a smart idea for a newbie. I am also taking Wand-Making and Harry Potter Family Studies.
Why did I pick these classes? Like I said the HOL 101 seemed like a really smart idea. I thought it would really help me get familiar with the site. The Wand-Making – well like I said I am taking a Charms class on another site and it has a lot about wands so I thought it would really complement it. The Family Studies just seemed so interesting – all about the Weasleys who are such an interesting family and about Dumbledore’s family. I’m just reading the last book right now and there’s a lot about his family so that seemed like a great idea to find out more. I also signed up for the Dragon class but haven’t yet been accepted. If I don’t get it now then I may just try again in September. My little sister and brother are really into dragons and begged me to take the class so I said okay. I think it will be fascinating.
What would I like to gain from this class? I want to learn everything there is to know about this site and all the things I can do. I’m so excited about joining this site and I just wish it all was real – like I really was going to Hogwarts and I really had a wand that could do magic.
A random fact about myself – how about more than one. I have a big family – lots of siblings. I’m fourth youngest. I have three younger siblings, one is just a toddler and we call her Tiggy. Also I love cooking (I’m 15) and my family lets me do a lot of it. I am getting more and more creative with cooking as time goes on.

Re: HOL 101 Spring 2015 Introductions

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:40 pm
by Kathren Johnsun
How did you find out about HOL? I found out about HOL by Google-ing Harry Potter Fan sites. I found this through the Harry Potter Wiki page. I was actually on HOL most of that night (oops), and decided then that this was a site that I could commit time to.
What classes are you taking? Along with HOL 101, I am also taking Arithmancy the Magic of Numbers, and Forensic Anthropology When Bones Talk.
Why did you pick these classes? I chose these classes because they seemed like something that would interest me in real life. HOL 101 seemed kind of like a good introduction class.
What would you like to gain from this class? Part of what I would like to gain is just a commitment to keep coming back to the site. I have logged in to other fan sites, only to leave after a few weeks and not come back for years.
What is a random fact about yourself? Besides Pottermore and HOL, every other sorting quiz that I have taken has put me into Hufflepuff. (Most of those being before Pottormore was open to the general public.)

Re: HOL 101 Spring 2015 Introductions

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:34 pm
by Astaria Rivers
Hello everyone! This is really late. I'm Astaria Rivers, but I prefer Asta. I found out about HOL through a friend that was once a member. I think she may have graduated or doesn't come on anymore or something. :(

I am currently taking Flying, History of Magic and Mathematics: Arithmancy the Muggle Way along with this course. I chose these classes because they were lined out in a flexible format. I'm very busy with college, so these seemed feasible.

From this class, I am hoping to gain a better knowledge of how HOL works in general. I like it so far.

Random Fact: I recently got a grant to fund my own research project which will thankfully take the place of my senior honors project, and I'll get to share it at this huge honors symposium in March of next year.

Re: HOL 101 Fall 2015 Introductions

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:14 am
by Jennet Jones
Hello, I'm Jennet Jones and I'm a First-Year Slytherin. (I was almost a Ravenclaw; my Sorting scores were tied.)

I found HOL through a gentleman friend whom I had met through Harry Potter fandom. He mentioned being busy with something for HOL, I asked a few more questions, and the next thing you know I'm agonizing over what name to register.

In addition to HOL 101, I am also taking Beginning Hungarian, Graphics 101, Poetry Writing, and Languages 101.

I'm taking HOL 101 because I just registered in late August and it seems like a good way to learn my way around. I'm taking Languages 101 and Beginning Hungarian because languages are really neat! I'm taking Poetry Writing because the homework looked fun, and I'm taking Graphics 101 because I know practically nothing about graphics and I want to learn at least the basics so I can make my own signatures and things.

My main goal in taking HOL 101 is to learn about all the different parts of HOL. My secondary goal is to get to know the rest of the class through things like this introduction thread or the IRC channel! If you'd like to chat with me, go right ahead!

I've been ordering a lot of clothes online lately because I'm trying to build a capsule wardrobe, but it's tricky because you can't try things on. I had one T-shirt come in too big for me, but I liked it enough that I hung on to it and ordered a second one in a smaller size. This way, I'll have the larger one on hand just in case it shrinks in the wash.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:44 pm
by Sophie Schwarzwald
Hello, my name is Sophie Schwarzwald. I am a first-year 'Puff.

The story of how I found this site is quite strange. I actually was searching for Hufflepuff stuff, because I wanted a Hufflepuff sweater. One way or another I found the Hufflepuff common room and one thing led to another...

I will be doing HOL 101, a trip to Diagon Alley and hopefully HOL quidditch this term.

Just like miss Jones before me, I've registered verry late. It seemed to me that a class like HOL 101 is really good voor newbies like myself. I will hopefully it all in the end. (Especially IRC, I've no idea about that)

English is not my mother tongue, so excuse me in advance for the mistake I will make. I am happy to meet all you guys ànd improve my English, too!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 6:19 am
by Jennet Jones
Hi Sophie! Are you the same Sophie that I met on IRC the other day? Is your native language Afrikaans or Dutch by any chance?

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:30 am
by Stephanie Iadeluca
Hello fellow classmates! My name's Stephanie and I'm 29 years old (the oldest one here perhaps? haha)

How did you find out about HOL?
Several years ago I was googling Hogwarts School and came across this online school and was like "I HAVE TO ENROLL!" I had first joined when I was 23 but then real-life got in the way so I had abandoned the site :( but I'm back now!

What classes are you taking?
A Visit to Diagon Alley
Beyond Earth: The Aliens of Sci-Fi
HOL 101: An Orientation

Why did you pick these classes?
I chose these classes because they seemed the most interesting to me. That, and we're told it's a wise choice to enroll in HOL 101 at the beginning :p

What would you like to gain from this class?
from this HOL 101 class? just basically an understanding of how to maneuver around this site so i don't get lost or fall behind in my other classes

What is a random fact about yourself?
oh wow, ummmm.......I have a pet bunny whom I love dearly, even though he can be a pain in my ass :p

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:12 pm
by Jennet Jones
Stephanie Iadeluca wrote:Hello fellow classmates! My name's Stephanie and I'm 29 years old (the oldest one here perhaps? haha)
Nope! I've got you beat by more than a decade. B)
(Also, hi again!)

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:58 am
by Arlynn Cassidy
My name is Arlynn Cassidy. I am a first year Hufflepuff. I found HOL through google while I was browsing the internet. I can't remember what I was looking for. It seemed interesting so I decided to check it out.
I am taking five classes.
First I am taking Hol 101 because it seemed appropriate to sign up. I'm hoping to learn about the website so I'm not so confused. It's very annoying trying to muddle through a website and not know what your doing; I tend to stop using those. I'm hoping taking this class will aid me into keeping my interest.
Second I am taking Languages 101. I've always been curious about languages. It seemed like an appropriate class.
Third, I am taking Care of Magical creatures. I love animals and am interested in learning about them.
Fourth I am taking Potions for Beginers. It seemed like the best place to start to understand potions and how their made.
Finally I'm taking A Visit to Diagon Alley. It seemed like a good class, and also a good beginning place.
I would like to be able to easily navigate this website.
As for a random fact; I can't swear. It's practically physically impossible for me to speak an American swear word.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:22 pm
by Luke Starlight
Hi everyone! My name is Luke. I am a first year Slytherin here on HOL. I found HOL through a google search that I did. The classes that I am taking are : HOL 101: An Orientation, and Marvelous Magical Theater: Act One. I am taking HOL 101 because i would like to get use to finding my way around HOL and learning more about all of the different types of features that are offered on this site. I am taking MMT: Act One because I have a love for musicals, and plays, and I love musical theater in general. One of things that I would like to gain from this class is just to learn more about HOL and the lifestyle that occurs on here. Another thing that I would like to gain is how to make more friends on this site. One interesting fact about me is that I have been in over 13 musicals so far in my lifetime.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 8:43 pm
by Avery Blair
My name is Avery Blair and I'm a first year Slytherin. I found about HOL through random google searches. Apart from HOL 101 I'm also taking Healing Herbology, An Introduction to Divination, Potions and Famous Witches and Wizards. I'm taking these classes because they seemed the most appealing to me. By taking this class I'm hoping to understand the basics of this site. I wish to be able to navigate through HOL with ease. Hmmm... random fact... Well, I'm obsessed with RuPaul's Drag Race :D

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 9:20 pm
by Lukas Salem
Hi! My name is Lukas Salem and I'm a Hufflepuff 1st year! I;m Taking three classes : HOL101, Confronting your Boggart, and an Introduction to Divination. I picked these classes so I could learn more about how to use HOL, and the other two just looked fun! I found out about HOL from Google, because my sister wanted to find a Pottermore replacement and I thought this looked a lot more fun anyway. I want to gain more knowledge about HOL from this class because this is all a bit of a whirlwind and it's nice to get a grip on things and get a class credit at the same time! :) A fun fact about me is I'm captain of my school's color guard!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:38 pm
by Natasha Martin
Hi, I’m Natasha and I’m a Gryffindor firstie. I found out about HOL in 2011 by looking for something similar to Mugglenet Interactive, but better. The classes I have picked for this term are this one (HOL101: An Orientation) and HOL Quidditch. I picked these classes because they seemed like good starting points to getting around on HOL and I really love trivia so I want to play the Quidditch on HOL. I hope to gain some knowledge of the ins and outs of HOL and I feel that I can do that with this class. A random fact about myself is that I can always remember an actor/actress’s name, details and what movies and TV shows they were in by their face. :D

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:00 pm
by Kim Alting
Hi :)

My name is Kim, I am a second year Gryffindor student and in RL I am a 5th year Pharmacy student.
I found out about HOL when I was searching for some background information about the plants from the HP universe. I ended up at the library of HOL and from there I signed up for this awesome website. This term, besides this class, I am taking Knitting: the Muggle Way, A Visit to Hogsmeade, Disney Studies and the Exchange program: Beauxbatons. Last term I had a lot of theoretical classes (Potions, Herbology, Death Eaters 101, Divination and Confronting your Boggart), so I thought this term would be more laidback (more practical classes and classes of things I already know things about, like this class). Nonetheless, I am taking this class, because there are always things that you don't know or that you simply didn't check out before. -_-