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Prof. Zoki Phantom
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Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

Don't you love how we're having so much HOL-wide contests this year? Well here's a surprise --- we're having a real, INTERNATIONAL CONTEST!!! That's correct, you read it right, HOL has received an invitation to participate in a Triwizard Tournament together with the schools: Virtualna Bradavičarka, Hogwarts Online (Slovenia), and Bradavice, Hogwarts Online (Czech Republic). All the info you might need, can be found below.
How will it be run?
There is going to be one competitor with 3 assistants (in order, assistant #1, #2, and #3) from every School. The competitor could only consult with one of the assistents at the same time and with no one else (if he/she does that, he/she would be disqualified).
The competition will start on March 1st on a forum that would be created at that time (all members from the schools will be free to join). There would be three tasks just like in the Harry Potter books, and they will also be created in a similar way. They will all be in English, and connected with Harry Potter knowledge and logic.How are we gonna pick our own HOL representatives?
We're having a quick, 12 days contest! On February 9th, 12:00 pm (noon), HOL time, the first task will be posted. It will be due in 4 days, and 8 hours after the due date (February 13th, 8 pm HOL time), the second task will be posted. The last task will be posted on February 18th 4 am HOL time.Who can participate and how do I join?
Anyone who isn't a passive student (and by this we mean a person who isn't taking classes, and is basically doing 'nothing') can join (that includes Post Graduates and Professors). You do NOT need to sign up anywhere for this, you just have to send in something (doesn't have to be the full, correct, answer) for the first task. Everyone who submits something will be added to the roster, and then it will be locked, no new names can be added.What will these task be?
For the international thing, you will have to wait to see the tasks. For our contest, they will be consisted of various puzzles and challenges. This includes crosswords, logic puzzles, word scrambling, etc. Basically, to win, you will need HP knowledge and logics.Who gets to go?
The top person from each house will be a representative, and the order will be decided by the number of Challenge Points they have (top person - Champion, second person - Assistant #1, etc.)Are there any rules we need to know about our contest?
Everything has been explained below, please keep reading and re-read if needed, this is highly important.What if I have any questions?
Just PM me or Tarma or post in the "Questions?" thread in this forum.
Challenge Points System
Every task will be worth a certain amount of CP, for example 30.Everyone who submits a fully correct entry will get all 30 CP, everyone else will get a certain amount based on how much of it they got correct.There will be time rewards for sending in answers quickly. House-wise, this is how it will go: the first person from each to sends in a submission will get 10 CP, the second person 9 CP, the third 8 CP, etc. Of course after reaching 1, everyone else gets 0. HOL-wide, it will go like this: the first person from each to sends in a submission will get 5 CP, the second person 4 CP, the third 3 CP, etc. Of course after reaching 1, everyone else gets 0.This will be a cumulative thing, the total amount of CP will be calculated for everyone at the end, and the top person from each house will be our winner.
If you're caught cheating, exchanging answers, or doing any other type of plagiarism, you lose the right to continue on in the contest.If you miss a task and don't submit anything, you are 'dropped', and can't continue on.This is still a HOL contest, thus all rules apply, and since we want a person who will represent us in our best light, anyone caught violating the HOL rules will also be 'dropped'.
Submitting Tasks, and what happens in case of a tie...
Hopefully this doesn't happen, but if it does, the winner will be decided by giving the participants (who are in a tie) a short quiz.All tasks need to be sent to holtriwizard[at] (replace the "[at]" with "@") before their due dates, which are basically midnight HOL time, on the 4th day after they have been posted.Submissions need to be entitled correctly with "Task Number - HOL ID - House", such as Task #2 - zo808 - Hufflepuff, and you must include your HOL Name, HOL ID, and House, somewhere in your e-mail.We won't be accepting attachments, you must upload all images to a photohosting site like photobucket or tinypic and send us only the link to your entry.
Each task will be worth 15 house points, so you can earn up to 45 HP. But the amount that you will get will depend on how well you've done at each task.The top 3 people from each house will receive 15 extra HP.The top person from each house (aka, each house champion) will also receive a HOL award
That's pretty much it, if there's something unclear, feel free to ask.

P.S. Just for easy access, here are links to where the tasks will be posted: Task #1; Task #2; Task #3.
Last edited by Prof. Zoki Phantom on Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

The Triwizard Tournament Questions place is HERE.

And a place to talk about it and all that is HERE!

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Prof. Zoki Phantom
Shooting Star
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Location: Macedonia, Europe

Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

Since we already have over 30 entries (34 at this very moment), we've decided to apply a small change to the time bonuses for the Challenge Points System.

This is what I wrote in the info above:
QUOTE House-wise, this is how it will go: the first person from each to sends in a submission will get 10 CP, the second person 9 CP, the third 8 CP, etc. Of course after reaching 1, everyone else gets 0. HOL-wide, it will go like this: the first person from each to sends in a submission will get 5 CP, the second person 4 CP, the third 3 CP, etc. Of course after reaching 1, everyone else gets 0.[/quote]
So as you can see, the first five people from any house will get a small bonus (from 5 to 1), and the first ten people from each house will get a slightly bigger bonus (from 10 to 1). This is to help us get a better scaling of people's order, since there were houses when just a single person had over 30 CP, and everyone else had 30 CP.
Once again, this is just to help us pick the people to go to the tournament, everyone who has got the puzzle right will get the full house points for the task. :)
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