Interschool Triwizard Tournament * Task One

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »


As you know, Task One was given to the Champions March 7th, midnight HOL time. (That would b 4 pm March 6th for folks on PST, 7 pm for folks on EST and 1 am March 7th for folks from the other schools in Europe.)

The format of awarding points shifted from a simple 3, 2, 1 basis to a base of 40 possible points per Champion. This is partly because the format of the actual Task changed from the originally proposed format. It is also to be more in accordance with HP canon.

All of the Champions have sent in their answers.


And soon (hopefully) there will be posted the Champions and the points that they earned in the First Task!

Also, the Task itself will be posted (without answer provided) so those people who want to try it out will have a chance to see how they would do.

The answer to the Task is scheduled to be posted a few days after the Task itself is posted.
Last edited by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black on Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »




Go look here to read the entire post, but yes, our very own Jenny Lupin has scored highest on Task One!

The results of the first task:

1. Jenny Lupin - 40 points (HOL)
2. Larrie Larstonová - 36 points (HCZ) and Helena Glaedr - 36 points (VB)


It is close! So Task Two is being devised to be a little more evil than Task One.

Speaking of which, here is Task One which our Champion had to resolve and solve.

Okay champions, the first task has come! Before you begin to solve the task, read the rules that are posted on forum!

Here are three parts of the first task. All parts have a different clue that are going to lead you to the password! Remember that the tasks are time sensitive! Good luck!

Part one:

An author of renown she is
Her books are famed and grand
So much that people everywhere
Emulate her school in every land

Then one day a bright idea!
Let's have a Tournament (just like in the story)
There's Larrie, Jenny and Helena
Risking all for their school's glory

Part two:

A famous character by Rev. Charles is running with a King to go to watch a fight. When she encounters one of the fighters, she tells it that she always thought it was a monster. Then she cut up the plum cake and handed it around.

Part three:

Eleven brightest sisters sleep in the sky, where they created a magic view for pleasure of our heart. They are fighting with Hydra, Lupus or Musca under the cover of the dark night. Astronomer Ptolemy loved their company; he wanted to know the truth about their mystery. These sisters arenґt just normal stars, but have been identified as as a mystic creature. Welcome in the world of bright stars, the world of the large constellation in the sky.

Okay, now you have the answers to 3 parts of Task One.

The final part of Task One is to tell me this:

What do all of the passwords to the first 3 parts have in common?

The answers will be posted in a few days at TriWizard Tournament 2011.
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Prof. Kath Snape
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Post by Prof. Kath Snape »


FIRST PLACE with 40 points!!!

Good Luck with Task #2 !
Prof. Kath Snape - Teacher of Potions For Beginners & Advanced Potion Making



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Prof. Zoki Phantom
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Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

Yaye Jenny!!! And Tara!!

Nice job done. (: Although it's just 1/3 of the tournament, it's good to know we have an advantage! :)
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