Introductions for Spring Term, 2019

Class led by Prof. Alexander Brighton

Moderator: Prof. Alexander Brighton

Prof. Alexander Brighton
Posts: 291
Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:52 pm

Introductions for Spring Term, 2019

Post by Prof. Alexander Brighton »

Hello class. Here is where you can introduce yourselves to the class. I'll go first.

My name is Alexander Brighton, but you can call me Alex (almost everyone does). I am a third year Ravenclaw Prefect (still like the sound of that). This term, the classes I am taking are Astronomy, Grindelwald's Crimes, Superhero Studies. The Magic of Forensic Science, and The Marauders 101. Besides this class, I am also teaching Famous Witches and Wizards in History and Quidditch - The Wizarding Way. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all this term. Hope you enjoy the class! :)

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