End of Year 2021

Official Announcements
Prof. Dario Brighton
Cleansweep One
Posts: 714
Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:17 pm

End of Year 2021

Post by Prof. Dario Brighton »

Despite all its challenges, the school year 2020/2021 has still been full of successes and fun here at Hogwarts Online.

Here’s the year in numbers in regards to the House Cup.

In fourth place comes Hufflepuff with 56,101 house points.
In a closely fought battle, we have Slytherin in third place with 64,461 points.
Gryffindor has placed second with a score of 65,676 points.
Finally, the winner of this year’s House Cup is Ravenclaw with an impressive score of 72,449 house points. Well done Ravenclaw and well done to all students who have worked hard to represent their houses!

The top points earner for this year is Gail Allen who accumulated a total of 5,381 house points for Ravenclaw. Great work, Gail!

Before we move to the festivities, the Head Office are excited to announce that we will be launching a HOL-wide newspaper for the next school year. It will be a place for all students and staff to come together to create something exciting that represents the diversity and talent that make HOL what it is.

This is part of our ongoing mission to change and grow according to the needs of the community. It does, unfortunately, mean that the house newspapers will no longer offer house points. Instead, each house will have the opportunity to create content for its dedicated section within the new HOL-wide newspaper, as we feel strongly about maintaining aspects of house representation and equal points opportunities for all. The individual house newspapers are a wonderful part of HOL's culture and we're eager to help all the houses to keep them going in some form that suits them. However, this will be up to the staff of each house to decide.

We will be posting more information about the HOL-wide paper soon. Make sure to be on the lookout for newspaper staff applications as we’re counting on you to help us make this idea as amazing as it can possibly be.

With that said, have a great summer and butterbeer is on me. Cheers!

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