Do you have a favorite tree?

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Lorainia Riverrider
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Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Lorainia Riverrider »

Do you have a favorite tree? It may be a type of tree (like maple or poplar) or a tree from a show or movie (like the Womping Willow of Grandmother Willow).

My favorite tree is the weeping willow. I have some growing around my cattle pond. I think they are beautiful and they provide a nice shade a hot summer days.
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Anne-Marie Gagne

Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Anne-Marie Gagne »

I really like red maple trees a lot. We had a Japanese red maple at my childhood home's yard. I also really, really like magnolia trees. We also had one of those in my yard.

To be quite honest, I really like the look of a lot of trees but those two are my favorites in real life.

Now in Minecraft, my favorite tree to build with is the dark oak and the birch. I like the contrast of the colors. With Cherry Blossoms being added in the new 1.20 update, I know for sure my houses from now on are going to be Neapolitan ice cream colors since we will have an actually pink pink color and not the orange-y pink the jungle wood is.
Evie Figg
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Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Evie Figg »

I suppose since I love pine forests my favourite tree would be pine. There are so many types of pine trees, I couldn't pick just one, however I love the large ones that grow on the west coast of North America. I also love the ones you can harvest yourself for Christmas trees on Christmas tree farms.
Adeline Morior
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Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Adeline Morior »

I love most trees but my favourites would have to be big climbable trees that provide loads of shade like oak, elm etc. I don't know many names. I also love bright trees that have interesting leaves and turn many beautiful colours ranging from orange, yellow, light and dark green, pink, etc. They stand out to me a lot. Especially if they have ash coloured bark and these bright leaves.

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Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

My favourite trees are:

- Apple
- Oak
- Cedar
- Banyan
- Mango
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Hiya Debnath
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Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Hiya Debnath »

My favorite tree might be a banyan tree because it stands strong and sturdy for long years. My favorite tree might be a mango tree, because I love the delicious fruit that it provides and I truly like the shape of its leaves. My favorite tree might also be the Christmas tree because it is evergreen and always green with fresh leaves, is associated with a cool festival, and has a beautiful conical shape. It might also be the yew tree, because it ties in with regeneration, new cycles of life, and new beginnings, with the message about change being the only constant, spread.
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Harry Walles
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Re: Do you have a favorite tree?

Post by Harry Walles »

My favourite tree is the Cherry Blossom. I think it looks just absolutely beautiful, especially when fully in bloom. Would love to have my own Cherry tree at some point in the future.
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