Horcrux? what thing do you choose

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Reyyan Azkendra
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Horcrux? what thing do you choose

Post by Reyyan Azkendra »

We all know that making horcrux is one of the darkest of black magic. But, What if we had the chance to make it once? Well, don't get so greedy that you make it over and over again like Voldemort. and let's just say we don't need to recite the Avada Kedavra spell before making a horcrux.

What do you think you would use as a horcrux? Is there any particular reason? (well, I read the explanations on several sites. they say if objects that can be made into horcruxes are objects that have a relationship with the creator of the horcrux).

For me, I'm going to pick some school orientation attributes that I used in middle school. I have a good memories aside, muggles and wizarding folks alike probably just thought it only a trash from middle school students B)
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Adeline Morior
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Re: Horcrux? what thing do you choose

Post by Adeline Morior »

I would probably also chose something that would stand on my desk. It should be seen as personal but not so much so that it would be taken. It should also be a little bit ordinary to go unnoticed, but not enough to throw out. Perhaps a photo in a frame. Something I can take with me but not carry on me.

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?" - Albus Dumbledore
Amy Smith
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Re: Horcrux? what thing do you choose

Post by Amy Smith »

Hmmm.... that's a pretty good question. I would probably go for something that's not to personal, but something that I like? I suppose, it could be my jewellery or perhaps novels, that I loved a lot and would love reading it for the first time again. The above two things would probably be my horcrux or ones that I would have as a horcrux, if I ever choose to have one, which is very unlikely.
Evie Figg
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Re: Horcrux? what thing do you choose

Post by Evie Figg »

Much like Voldemort, I would probably choose one of my many diaries I have written throughout my life. I have significant attachment to them so it would make sense. Another choice would be an amethyst crystal, as it is my birthstone and I adore anything purple.
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