I'm Keeping TABs

DaKeed Napper
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I'm Keeping TABs

Post by DaKeed Napper »

Listen well, HOL. While you accuse and chase your own tails, others treat me with courtesy.

A group of people from different fictional universes have been trying to bribe me for various reasons. Two of them are female: Galadriel and Lara Croft. The other bribers are Thor, Deadpool and Inigo Montoya.
Each tried to bribe me with a different gift (one was a bunch of peonies) and they all did so for a different reason.
Determine the order in which I encountered them, who they were, what the bribe was, and why they did it.

1. Deadpool came right before the person who tried to use a portrait of me as their bribe (who didn't go last).
2. The person who was trying to buy their way onto my water polo team heard the next person say they wanted my advice. The last person to offer their bribe did not want me to sing at their birthday party.
3. Two males were first and second and wanted to get onto my water polo team and to get back their best earmuffs, in some order.
4. The person who came third either offered a blueberry muffin or tickets to the opera. Neither Galadriel nor Inigo Montoya tried to bribe me with Lasagne.
5. The 5 bribers are Lara Croft, Deadpool, the one who offered a blueberry muffin, and the ones who were trying to get back their best earmuffs or because they wanted my secret to brewing the best cup of coffee.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: I'm Keeping TABs

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

HA! Solved the puzzl
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"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
DaKeed Napper
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Posts: 52
Joined: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:27 am

Re: I'm Keeping TABs

Post by DaKeed Napper »

Did you now? Say, why don’t you join me for tea to celebrate?

*Transforms Tarma into a teapot*
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