December Prompt: Returning of Light

Moderators: Arianna Stonewater, Prof. Will Lestrange

Prof. Will Lestrange
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December Prompt: Returning of Light

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

November has turned to December; winter is at hand. But even as the days continue to get colder, there are already signs that light and warmth will return with the spring. Indeed, by the end of December (assuming you're in the Northern Hemisphere like you would be at Hogwarts itself), you will notice the days gradually getting longer again. In fact, you can already see the beginnings of this much earlier in the month: every day after December 6 the sun will stay out later in the evening than it did the day before!

Your task this month is to write at least 75 words that reflect the theme of light at the end of the tunnel. The constraint this month will reflect days getting shorter and then getting longer again: you will get the chance to apply this constraint to every sentence you write! In particular, the words in each sentence should decrease in length until some point in the middle of the sentence, at which point they should instead start to increase in length until the end of the sentence. (NOTE: If a word has the exact same length as its immediate predecessor, that is also fine).

For example: "Everyone enjoys school until evening." is fine because the length of the words in the sentence are 8, 6, 6, 5, 7: decreasing from 8 down to 5 and then up at 7. However, "Everyone admires Hogwarts until evening" is not okay:
the words there have length 8, 7, 8, 5, 7 in order.

The deadline is December 31 at 11:59 PM HOL; completing this prompt will earn you 25 hoots. (Partial credit will be given in the form of 1 hoot for every 3 words up to 75.)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: December Prompt: Returning of Light

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Celebrating, everyone revels that soon daylight lengthens. Scintillating, tremendous, stupendous amounts of low laying darkness dissipated. Spectacles perceived as huge laden portents disappear. Festivals observing endings rejoice daylight's returning momentarily.

Conflicting twilight stygian gloom fades into more of a glowing, expanding brightness engendering light-heartedness.

Midwinter solstice is come.


Lights show near end of tunnel. Its not a train.
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Prof. Will Lestrange
Shooting Star
Posts: 1788
Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:37 am

Re: December Prompt: Returning of Light

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

You have earned 18 Hoots for your story!
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