February Prompt: How Romantic! (or not?)

Moderators: Arianna Stonewater, Prof. Will Lestrange

Prof. Will Lestrange
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February Prompt: How Romantic! (or not?)

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

February is known for cold, as well as the very first signs of spring growing outside. But many people also know it for Valentine's Day!

For this month, your task is to write at least 50 words on some form of love or romance (the sky's the limit as long as you keep the HOL guidelines in mind)! This month's twist is that each sentence must both begin and end with one of the four letters in the word "LOVE" (the beginning and ending letter of a sentence can be the same or different).

For example: "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Will." qualifies because it begins with an O and ends with an L.

The deadline is February 29 at 11:59 PM HOL; completing this prompt will earn you 20 hoots. (Partial credit will be given in the form of 2 hoots for every 5 words up to 50.)
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Re: February Prompt: How Romantic! (or not?)

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Of a verity, the startling cold of a wet nose, poking at me and belonging to someone wanting attention, is one of the most wonderful things to feel. Except when I'm asleep and all of a sudden, this immense cold wet thing startles me and I groggily wake to find Taya peering at me. Even then, my response is usually along the lines of "Hello, Sweetie."
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Re: February Prompt: How Romantic! (or not?)

Post by Emily Spencer »

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Amy, who very much wanted to have a grand adventure. Every night, Amy would stare up into the sky, waiting patiently for the one she loved to come back and save her from her dreary everyday life. Everyone told her it was pointless, but Amy paid them no mind; she knew in her heart that he would not disappoint her-He had promised, and men such as him did not lie.

Over time, however, even she began to lose hope. Everyone had tried to tell her that men in flying boxes did not exist; and sadly, she had to agree. Only a child would believe in fairy tales such as the 'raggedy man', and Amy was certainly not a child anymore! Once more, her curtains were drawn tight; there was no need to stare out at the sky anymore.

"'ello there, Amelia Pond-I'm here!"

Amy groaned; it had to be a dream, but the voice sounded so very real. Even before she was fully awake, she let out a squeal of pure joy when she saw him standing there. Left quickly behind were here doubts; the raggedy man WAS real after all.

Very pleased with himself, the man known as the Doctor gave her a big smile.

"Everyone all aboard the TARDIS for fun and adventure!"

Off they went to travel through time and space, a once in a lifetime experience given only to those that truly believe. Lasting friendship that transcended every obstacle thrown at them-the Doctor and Amy -a 'love' story to beat them all.
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Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: February Prompt: How Romantic! (or not?)

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

Everyone has earned full HOOTs for this challenge! (While Emily began a sentence with an "A", she had well over fifty words before that point, so I chose to ignore everything after "I'm here" when assigning HOOTs.
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