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Prof. Ashlee Sully
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Post by Prof. Ashlee Sully »

I brought the DVD the day before it came out officially (BIG W put them up early) and watched it when I got home. I had already read all four books, which I fell in love with but not as much as Harry Potter.

I think the actors chosen were fairly good, though I agree with the comments on Rosalie to an extent. Robert did a good job as Edward although when he first speaks in class it was like he was talking for the first time in his life; it was bizarre. I actually love Jasper, even though he didn't get to say anything and had a funny look on his face! Alice was awesome too I thought, the actress Ashley was a great choice!

The baseball scene was one of my favourites. Overall I think it did do justice to the book and included the important moments but it would have been nice to see some extra bits and pieces from the book.

I am really looking forward to New Moon!

In regards to HP versus Twilight... HP all the way, I think J.K has a much stronger writing style and develops her characters really well compared to Stephenie.
Retired Slytherin Professor || Lover of Chocolate || Addicted to Frogs


Callysta Fairley
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Post by Callysta Fairley »

both books and movies are so great!:3
i like twilight the most:D
Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
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Re: Twilight

Post by Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis »

Since there were so many thunderstorms when I was visiting Cody, we ended up staying in most days and watching ALL the Twilight movies. I've never read any of the books or officially watched the movies before (I did watch a few of them with commentary because I heard they were funny >>), so I was pleasantly surprised with them.
Marie Dark
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Re: Twilight

Post by Marie Dark »

I love HP and Twilight because they are not the same and I can loose myself in the different worlds.... I could compare like some have but I really do enjoy reading the books over and over and then watching the movies....
Twilight is a very good story and I could really pick apart "Bella's" character but I won't because, well.... I still like it.... so there!!! Lol :rolleyes:
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