Gaming Goals

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Prof. Amy Lupin
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Gaming Goals

Post by Prof. Amy Lupin »

One of the things I'm looking forward to this year is playing boardgames more regularly. My usual gaming group generally meets twice a week, though in the past I've only aimed for once a week due to the distance. Between this group, potentially two smaller groups, and a gaming day that the one retailer puts on roughly once per month, I'm hoping to play boardgames at least 4-6 times a month going forward.

I'm also aiming to play at least 1-2 new boardgames a month (at least new to me), including several that have been sitting on my shelf for a while. Fortunately, the gaming day I mentioned has 300-400 demos to choose from.

A goal that seems popular in some boardgaming communities is "10x10", or in other words, playing 10 different games 10 times each, usually aimed at reducing the number of unplayed games one owns. This isn't a goal I'm especially aiming for as I tend to enjoy variety and even some of my favourite games I try to space out, lest I lose interest in them. That being said, there were some games I definitely did get at least 10 plays of last year, such as Azul and Century: Spice Road.

As far as video games are concerned, last year saw me get back into them with the Mass Effect trilogy. I'm aiming to finish off Mass Effect 3 this month or next, and am hoping to fit in a few more older titles this year, such as Shadowrunner, Thief (one of my brothers played a fair bit of the series) and Lost Odyssey (I've been wanting to play this ever since it first came out as it was around the time I got into Final Fantasy VII, and it was produced by the same company). I'm also hoping to explore other video game genres, such as strategy games.

Do you have any gaming goals for the year ahead? Are there any high scores you want to try beat or games you'd like to win?
Prof. Alexander Brighton
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Prof. Alexander Brighton »

I play some board games, I sometimes have game nights with friends and sometimes family and we'll play games like Sorry, Skip-bo, Apples to Apples, Harry Potter Scene It and I just got a Harry Potter Clue game, and another board game called Harry Potter Maze Game, so we'll probably add those in.

I am really into Videogames. Harry Potter, Pokemon, Mario Kart, and Uno are a few of the videogames I play. My goal right now is to beat my brother in Uno on the Nintendo Switch! But another goal is to get a high score in Mario Kart.
Shadow Gaunt
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Shadow Gaunt »

My goals are very simple: try and gather my family at least once a month for a bunch of board games. We have several favorites: Sushi Go, Dominion, Scotland Yard, etc. (I'm forgetting a lot) and I think that actively trying to play them (in fall 2018, for instance, we only played 3-5 times) will be really fun and connecting!
Shadow Gaunt
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Prof. Amy Lupin
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Prof. Amy Lupin »

One month into the year, and I seem to be on track with my goal of playing boardgames more regularly. I've also enjoyed following the progress a friend of mine is making with their own boardgaming goals (as well as contributing to it). They've already reached their 5x5 goal (6 plays of my copy of Mint Works helped with this) as well as their goal of playing 10 new games (which also helped with my own goal of playing some of the unplayed games on my shelf). Their other two goals are a 10x10 and playing 20 new games, though they're already talking of expanding those.

In terms of scores, I'm hoping to get as close to 100 as I can in a game of Azul… I've managed somewhere in the 90s once or twice before, but I'm curious to see if I can manage more than 95 at least once.
Blake Gaunt
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Blake Gaunt »

I play fortnite regularly, sometimes for several hours a day. There's never more of an outcome than me de-stressing, or generally having a good time, which is totally fine, cuz it is "just a game" However, my goal for this year is to play in as well as place in a cash cup.
Mabel Maee
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Mabel Maee »

My goal right now is to finish every single game in my library, becase I have bad habbit of buying games and then not playing them. So I really wish to finish 2 more AAA games this year. (I am almost finished with Hogwarts Legacy, and then I want to finish Days Gone and Red Dead Redemption).
Adeline Morior
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Re: Gaming Goals

Post by Adeline Morior »

Mine is to just go back online and finish building our base, cause now I have 50 tamed wolfs still not in their little area I am busy building for them on Valheim :lol: Also I need to stop buying games and actually play the ones I baught but haven't touched... :blink:

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